JSON decoding and encoding became easy after adding Codable protocol in Swift 4.0. But during coding I wanted to have something shorter and more elegant than Do-Catch statement that looks like this:
var myModel: MyModel?
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
do {
myModel = try decoder.decode(MyModel.self, from: data)
} catch {
Or like this:
let myModel: MyModel? = try? decoder.decode(MyModel.self, from: data)
So I wrote a protocol with default implementation that allows to do decoding just like that:
let myModel = MyModel.decodeFromData(data: data)
And the same for encoding:
let data = MyModel.encode(fromEncodable: myModel)
All you need is just to add protocol conformance:
extension MyModel: Parseable {
typealias ParseableType = Self
It's available on GitHub as a Swift Package: https://github.com/makoni/parsable