Wrapping models in SwiftUI for Identifiable conformance

Using an array of models in List view in SwiftUI requires conformance to Identifiable protocol.

Here's an example of a model:

struct MyDataModel {
    let title: String
    let message: String

An example of SwiftUI view that you want to display a list:

struct TestView: View {
    var dataArray: [MyDataModel]
    var body: some View {
        List(dataArray) { data in
            VStack {

Using MyDataModel in List will show an error in Xcode:

Xcode Identifiable conformance error

Sometimes you can't just change a model. It might be a data model from a third party SDK that you're using in your app. But you can create a wrapper for this struct to confirm Identifiable protocol:

struct MyDataModelWrapper: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    var data: MyDataModel

let testDataModel = MyDataModel(
    title: "Title 1",
    message: "I wanna be used inside of a List"

let wrappedData = MyDataModelWrapper(data: testDataModel)

So the view will look like this:

struct TestView: View {
    var dataArray: [MyDataModelWrapper] 

    some View {
        List(dataArray) { wrappedData in
            VStack {


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