Модульбанк информер 1.2
Обнаружил досадный баг в Модульбанк Информере - если был счёт в турецких лирах, то JSON не парсился и данных не было совсем. Исправил в обновлении.
Исходный код на GitHub: https://github.com/makoni/ModulbankInformer
Скачать можно тут: https://github.com/makoni/ModulbankInformer/releases
Модульбанк информер
Недавно увидел, что у Модульбанка, которым я пользуюсь, есть публичный API. Поскольку у них для macOS нет приложения, а приложение для iOS не работает на Apple Silicon (их ограничение в целях безопасности), я сделал небольшой информер, который показывает в статус баре список счетов и баланс.
Приложение macOS 13+, т.к. хотелось выжать из SwiftUI всё самое актуальное, заодно попрактиковаться.
Исходный код на GitHub: https://github.com/makoni/ModulbankInformer
Скачать можно тут: https://github.com/makoni/ModulbankInformer/releases
Swift CouchDB client 1.2.1
Just a small update for Swift CouchDB client lib with couple new methods that I needed by myself:
- Added a new method to create a database [docs].
- Added a new method to delete a database [docs].
- Added a new method to check if a database exists [docs].
- Every request handles unauthorised errors now.
- CouchDBClientError model has a description text now.
CouchDB Client on GitHub | Documentation with examples and tutorials.
comment commentsSwift CouchDB client 1.2.0
Couple months ago I started learning Apple's DocC tool that generates documentation from your source code. I've decided to use as many features as possible so I took my small lib CouchDB Client and added docs to every method including usage examples that Xcode will show in the autocomplete popup. As it often happens, during adding docs and examples I found that many things in the library can be done in a much better way. So I've updated existing methods and added some more that can take a doc as a param and use generic types.
Next step was tutorials. Apple allows devs to create exactly the same tutorials as they have for SwiftUI on their own website. So I've added a couple. They're also part of the repo on GitHub.
Pretty sure that I've spent more time on the documentation than on the lib itself but I hope it's worth it.
CouchDB Client on GitHub | Documentation with examples and tutorials.
comment commentsPassword generation using Security Framework on iOS and macOS
Couple lines of code to generate a 15 characters length password (just like in Safari):
import Security
let pass = SecCreateSharedWebCredentialPassword() as String?
print(pass as Any)
Swift CouchDB client 1.0.0
Finished new version of Swift CouchDB client. Now it's using only async-http-client as a dependency to make http/https requests. Can be used with Vapor 4.
Available on Github: https://github.com/makoni/couchdb-vapor
comment commentsWrapping models in SwiftUI for Identifiable conformance
Using an array of models in List view in SwiftUI requires conformance to Identifiable protocol.
Here's an example of a model:
struct MyDataModel {
let title: String
let message: String
An example of SwiftUI view that you want to display a list:
struct TestView: View {
var dataArray: [MyDataModel]
var body: some View {
List(dataArray) { data in
VStack {
Using MyDataModel in List will show an error in Xcode:
Sometimes you can't just change a model. It might be a data model from a third party SDK that you're using in your app. But you can create a wrapper for this struct to confirm Identifiable protocol:
struct MyDataModelWrapper: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var data: MyDataModel
let testDataModel = MyDataModel(
title: "Title 1",
message: "I wanna be used inside of a List"
let wrappedData = MyDataModelWrapper(data: testDataModel)
So the view will look like this:
struct TestView: View {
var dataArray: [MyDataModelWrapper]
some View {
List(dataArray) { wrappedData in
VStack {
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